The R.W. Mercer Safety Program
Safety and Health
R.W. Mercer Company is dedicated to protecting employees from immediate physical harm. It is our goal to eliminate or control both known and potential safety and health hazards which our employees face on the job. In order to accomplish this we must strictly adhere to the following guidelines:
- Safety and health are a shared responsibility. It is imperative that everyone, from the top management team to supervisors, to each and every worker, take ownership of his or her own safety and that of their co-workers and subcontractors.
- It is everyone’s responsibility to locate hazards and either correct them or report them to the proper authority in a timely manner.
- Where hazards cannot be completely eliminated, they must be reduced through effective engineering, administrative controls or, as a final precaution, through the proper use of personal protective equipment.
- Every individual will be trained to perform work safely.
- As a condition of employment, each employee must consistently work in a safe manner.
HAZMAT | Personal Protective Equipment | Pollution Insurance
- R.W. Mercer has developed and implemented a comprehensive safety program to ensure we are always in compliance with federal and state requirements. For further assurance of compliance, the Company engages with third party inspectors to maintain the independence and integrity of the safety program.
- R.W. Mercer Co. is fully insured, maintaining coverages for:
Commercial General Liability including coverage for bodily injury, property damage, explosion, collapse, underground perils, contractual, products, completed operations, automobile liability, pollution, both gradual and sudden-accidental, worker’s compensation and employer’s liability, meeting all requirements of the state in which the work is performed. - Umbrella Liability Coverage.
The health and safety of our employees is of great concern. Each employee is expected to conform to OSHA and MIOSHA requirements. Field employees have undergone extensive safety training prior to entering a work site, including confined space training and 40-hour Hazardous Waste & Emergency Response to help ensure their personal safety in dealing with solvents and fuels.